Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life #8 - #10

I decided to summarize the last three reasons that were mentioned in the February issue of Reader's Digest. Enjoy!!

#8. The platinum age of television
There are definitely some quality shows on television these days. There is the History Channel and Discovery Channel... to name a few. There is a lot of competition and therefore the producers have to make quality shows to maintain their audience. That's definitely a good thing.

#9. Retreat from Armageddon
There were about 50,000 nuclear warheads aimed between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. We have come a long way since then. They have agreed to get rid of 90 percent of then, and tens of thousands have already been eliminated. Gregg Easterbrook observes in his book The Progress Paradox, "Historians will view nuclear arms reduction as such an incredible accomplishment that it will seem bizarre in retrospect so little attention was paid while it was happening."

#10. Memories (this is my favorite one)
We've got better memory-improvement drugs. If that isn't enough, we've got digital photos, videos, and many other resources such as the web that help us to store our precious memories. In the past only the very educated or very rich had the type of resources we have today. We have the technology and means to be able to preserve pictures for our posterity and to pass down our memories to future generations.... and to possibly remind them to count their blessings.

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